What is it? Why is everyone doing it? I don't know anything about it. Help!!!!
Well, help is here.
For nearly a year now, my dog Johann, has been interacting on Twitter. Yes, my dog tweets!
What marketing I have done for 'Johann The Dog' has been an experiment of sorts over the past few years: an experiment in branding and marketing. And it's really paid off for my pet business clients. They have been able to reap the benefits of all my experimentation, testing of social networking sites, blogging and other marketing tactics that I have tried out over the years.
One of my favorite experiments with Johann The Dog is Twitter. Unless you've been living under a rock for the past year, you have undoubtedly heard of Twitter. It seems to be everywhere. I turn on the news, there's Twitter. I read the news sites on the Internet, there's Twitter. Businesses are twittering, celebrities are twittering, regular individuals are twittering, and even dogs (and yes, cats, and birds, and even moose) are twittering.
So naturally, I get a lot of questions from my clients and prospects about Twitter.
They ask:
- What's the big deal with Twitter?
- How do I Twitter?
- I'm on Twitter, but how can I utilize to it's fullest for my business?
- And most importantly, should I Twitter?
The New York Times calls Twitter "one of the fastest-growing phenomena on the Internet." Time Magazine says, "Twitter is on its way to becoming the next killer app." Newsweek noted that "suddenly, it seems as though all the world's a-twitter," and Gartner, in a July 2008 report, added microblogging to its list of technologies that will transform business over the next two to five years."
But knowing how to utilize Twitter to help build your business can make a big difference in the success of this powerful social networking tool. Over the past 10 months, I've learned a lot about the ins and outs of Twitter, how to utilize it to it's fullest advantage, and how to generate more business - plain and simple.

Because of time constraints, I will have to limit this to the first 25 individuals, so be sure and get your reservation in early.
In addition to the consultation you will also receive my "Get Started with Twitter for Pet Businesses" handout which will provide you with step by step instructions on everything from setting up a Twitter account and customizing your profile (important for branding you know), to what and what not to do on Twitter, to a guide to Twitter lingo, to how to find and get followers, and more.
The total cost of the consultation and the handout is $30.00, payable via PayPal.
This 30-minute phone tutorial will provide you with the ins and outs of Twitter-dom, including:
- How you can utilize Twitter to engage and connect with your customers and potential customers, gain valuable knowledge and trends, and build strong relationships.
- How Twitter can drive traffic to your website and create more visibility for your company.
- What are the 'ethics' in twittering, and what is the best way to Twitter to help (not hurt) and build your business.
- How Twitter can help you provide a high level of customer service; interact and receive valuable, instant feedback from customers.
Don't be left behind. Learn how Twitter can help your pet business!
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